26 September 2014

SHOCKING: Grass-eating South African pastor is back, Makes church members drink petrol

The controversial Pastor Lesego Daniel of Rabboni Centre Ministries, infamous for making his congregation eat grass, has struck again, this time encouraging members of his church to drink petrol after 'he turned it into pineapple juice.'

In January 2014, Viczee's Blog made a revelation of this strange, but popular South African pastor, Lesego Daniel of Rabboni Centre Ministries, who made members eat grass like goats


Now he has struck again, making members of his congregation drink petrol.

In a Youtube video that starts with a cautionary note, warning people not to try this if they can not turn water into wine, members of Pastor Lesego’s congregation are seen drinking what the pastor claims is petrol claiming it tastes sweet, like pineapple juice and Iron Brew.

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Members of his congregation are seen clamouring desperately to have a drink of the petrol as the pastor preaches and encourages them.

According to healthline.com, petrol is considered dangerous for your health because it is poisonous. Exposure to gas either through physical contact or inhalation can cause health problems such as abdominal pain, vision loss and burning in the esophagus.

It also causes dizziness, extreme fatigue, convulsions, body weakness and unconsciousness, which members of the congregation appear to display in the video.

The charismatic preacher now encourages people to consume fuel and he has them clamouring for it.

Members of the church exclaim how “sweet” and “nice” it tastes, comparing it to “Iron Brew” and “pineapple juice”.

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